The brief of creating a teaser trailer promotional package has allowed us to develop our skills from our AS production.
The initial research we carried out allowed us to understand what makes a teaser trailer and the conventions that need to be met for a particular genre of teaser trailer. These conventions then had to be applied to our production.
The main conventions we discovered about teaser trailers took the form of distinct short clips with quick cuts that were heightened by the select tone and rhythm of the backing music. To meet the genre of a thriller/horror we had to create a sense of suspicious activity for the audience that was closely linked to the lack of identification of any characters featured in the trailer.
Further simple less important conventions of a teaser trailer were the "Audience Approval For" screen at the start of American Trailers and also the end credits which would take up the exhausted phrase of "Coming Soon".
The main product and ancillary tasks have proven to be an effective combination in that our audience made the point that they were able to clearly associate them as a package. The reasons given for this included the identifiable house style which was made up of our selected font which has been used in the inter-titles as well as the name of the product;
From our audience feedback we were able to understand an opinion of our production from a different point of view that would allow us to improve our final product if necessary.
We learned from our audience feedback that we had made good use of our current skills to be able to produce a suitable production that meets the brief and also meets the conventions of the genre we selected as part of this.
However, with regards to considerations for improvements or for future knowledge, we have learnt that we need to spend more time on detailed planning for the actual filming of the production to ensure that we fully take into account anything that might effect us during filming.
Below is the the collated feedback from our audience;
A range of media technologies have been exploited for the research, planning, construction and evaluation of our production.
For the construction part of our production we made good use of the features within iMovie for most of what we needed.
This included the creation of our inter-titles and other font-work which was made easy through the use of the generic controls for fonts which you find in most programs;
Another useful tool within iMovie was the facility to add an effect over the top of an image, such as to make a video black and white or look grainy. We used a video effect for our inter-titles and also for the production company introduction;
A further handy tool that we used a lot within iMovie was the "trim clip at play head" which allowed us to cut our footage accurately and efficiently;
As the course required us to use non-copyright material for our work we decided to use garageband to create a basic music to back the trailer.
We found garageband reasonably easy to use because of the fact that we could easily control the tracks we were using by fading them in and out using the simple fade tool which is the blue dot-to-dot like line you see in the picture below;