Task 4.5 (Planning - Preparation)

We have currently selected the following actors to appear in our production:

Rob Harnett Ashdon Morgan

Jamie Goodbun Josh Baker

The following locations have also been selected as part of our planning stages to be able to make an appropriate decision:

Kearsney Abbey

Shot Planning
Whilst at the possible locations for our production we tried out a couple of shots that we may use or develop. Below are a couple of examples:

In this shot we have tried to assist the audience in identifying with the location more than the actual actors, which is why the tree is featured in the fore-front of this image.

Task 4.4 (Planning - Script/Outline)

The outline of our production is as follows:

We are producing a teaser trailer for a thriller/horror movie that is to feature short snappy clips with inserts of key tag lines for the content of the film (such as "fear", "horror", "confessions").

The plan is to try and leave the audience asking questions, or cause some sort of confusion so that they will have a mental demand to see the film to satisfy their mind.
For this to happen we will need to use a number of shots such as birds-eye-view, close-ups, extreme close-ups and also long shots.

Task 4.3 (Planning - Photo Animatic)

Here is our Photo Anamatic which we have produced as the next stage of planning from our Storyboard.

On our second draft we will add in the backing music to the video.

I also feel it would be better if some of the shots didn't reveal as much of the actors. This will allow us to make this fit the specification of a "teaser trailer".

Task 4.2 (Planning - Animatic)

Below is the storyboard anamatic for our production:

Task 4.1 (Planning - Storyboard)

Below you can find the storyboards which we have produced as part of the planning stage of our production. The next step is to produce an anamatic of each shot in the storyboard.

Task 3.2 (Pitch - Presentation)

As part of the pitch for our production we presented our ideas to our Media Class.

This involved explaining the following points:
  • Which brief we have chosen and why
  • Choice of genre and why
  • The basic story line
  • Next stage of planning to be carried out
  • Lessons to be learnt - objectives
  • Experiences
We will be able to reflect on this presentation when we present our product when production has been completed.

Task 3.1 (Pitch - Initial Ideas)

The brief we have chosen to do is Teaser Trailer. This is due to many reasons:
  1. We are both interested in films and regularly watch them, so we are able to see lots of trailers in many formats, on the internet, in cinemas and at the start of DVDs.
  2. We feel as though a better outcome would be possible from producing a teaser trailer than a music video because, we wouldn't need to contact an unsigned artist after searching high and low for a band which suits both of our musical interests/preferred genre.
  3. We also have experience of film making during the AS part of the course, when we produced "The Alley". We will be able to develop our skills even further into making the trailer as we have chosen to do a Thriller trailer, as we did for the AS course.
The planning stages which we have had to go through are as follows.
  1. Ideas - choosing genre, storyline, characters etc..
  2. Anematics - Storyboards (both drawn and photographed)
  3. Synopsis of the whole film to make it easier for us to piece the film together and help to make the trailer make sense. (Basic storyline)
  4. Script of the trailer (not the whole film)

Task 2.2 (Production Company Logo Design)

Task 2.1 (Production Company Background)

The production company is responsible for both the development and physical production of new media, performing arts, film, radio or television program.

Therefore the logo's of these companies are normally significantly noticeable at the start or end of a production. As the film industry develops, so do the logo's of production companies.

Columbia Pictrues was founded in 1920 by Jack and Harry Cohn and Joe Brandt. They were bought out by Sony in 1989, at the time it was a growing trend for Japanese companies to buy American firms.

Before the purchase their logo was:

After the purchase, Sony re-named the company "Columbia Tri-Star" and a new logo was developed to reflect this:

Walt Disney Pictures, the film banner, was established as a designation in 1983, prior to which Disney films since 1954 were released under the name of the parent company, then named Walt Disney Productions.

Their logo has always been a simple Castle on a blue background, with Walt Disney's signature as the font for the name:

As you can see from the picture below, the logo for Walt Disney has now developed into a much more graphical design.