Task 3 (Research - The Growth of Music Videos)

The following is a time-line that shows the introduction, changes and growth of music videos.

1940 - Soundies

The 'soundies' are an early form of music video. Produced in New York, Chicago and Hollywood these films were three minutes long and normally consisted of short dance sequences.

These early version music videos were shown on coin-operated jukeboxes in clubs and restaurants.

'Soundies' covered all genres of music although they were especially popular for playing a part in the spread of African-American artists who found it difficult to publicise their work on other public mediums.

Here is an example of a 'Soundies'music video;
"Zig Me Baby with a Gentle Zag (Featuring Gai Moran and Danny Hocktor"


1961 -
Ricky Nelson

During 1961, Ricky Nelson's "Travelin Man" video is shown on television. The short film made to promote the video is considered the first music video.


1962 - New form of music video for television

In 1962 television production companies invented a new form of music television. They created programs such as "Top Of The Pops", "Ready! Steady! Go!" and "Oh, Boy".

These programs allowed artists to come on and promote themselves. The shows started as band vehicles but soon became a huge hit across the country.

1970 - Great Opportunity

The record industry discovered that the aforementioned TV shows provided them with a great opportunity to get artists noticed. The record industry began to produce many short "Promos" which could be featured on television instead of some live performances.

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